EtiketJapanese Food

Udon Love

Udon Noodles are my favorite noodles — and I especially love them in soups, maybe with soft tofu and some green veggies. And the really look beautiful in a photograph, too. Nisi non aenean scelerisque risus. Cum rhoncus? Penatibus non, nascetur eu. In et sagittis sed! Rhoncus vut risus magnis ut augue nec, dolor. Vel parturient nec auctor elementum placerat, magnis, placerat. Elit amet, in...

Japanese Food Inspirations

While traveling in Japan I just love to explore all the amazing book stores they have here. So loving everything about food, of course I also checked out all sorts of cook books and cook magazines, and there are a lot of them! Japanese people seem to love food and to love taking pictures of food as well. And everything is sooo beautifully arranged, it seems to me they are taking food photography...




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