
Suvunma ve Mahkeme kararı

ANKARA 23. ASLİYE HUKUK MAHKEMESİ’NE DOSYA NO : 2013/345 DAVALI : R. İHSAN ELİAÇIK VEKİLİ : AV.E.FIRAT KUYURTAR DAVACI : R. TAYYİP ERDOĞAN VEKİLİ : AV. ALİ ÖZKAYA KONU : Süresi içinde cevap dilekçemizin sunulması hakkındadır. AÇIKLAMALAR I . CEVAP DİLEKÇESİ VE SÜRE UZATIM KARARI Sayın Mahkemeye müvekkilim tarafından sunulan 24.07.2013 tarihinde sunulan ve kısmen cevapların sunulduğu...

The Koran and Social Justice – Interview with

Ihsan Eliacik is the first proponent of an “Islamic socialism” in Turkey. In his teachings, he criticises the neo-liberal policies of the AKP and calls for a socialist reading of the Koran. Interview by Ceyda Nurtsch You and your group, the Anti-Capitalist Muslims, were on the frontline during the Gezi Park protests in the summer of 2013. During Ramadan, you organised open-air iftars...

Kur’an’da Lanet Var Mı?

Kur’an’da “lanet”kelimesi 26 yerde geçer.  Bunları tek tek incelediğimizde “ davranış” ile ilgili olduğu görülür: Ayetleri gizleyenler (2/159), yalan söyleyenler (3/61), zalimlik edenler (3/87, 7/44), cumartesi yasağına riayet etmeyenler (4/47), put ve tağutları destekleyerek “Bunlar müminlerden daha doğru yoldalar” diyenler (4/51-52), sözünden dönenler ve Allah’ın kelimelerini orijinalinden...

The Gezi Spirit and Its Impacts: Recent Developments in Turkey – CEFTUS

Centre for Turkey Studies and SOAS Kurdish Society Joint Forum ‘The Gezi Spirit and Its Impacts: Recent Developments in Turkey’ 19th December 2013                                  School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London Speaker: Mr Ihsan Eliacik, thinker and author Co-chairs: Sara Whyatt, a consultant, specialising on freedom of expression in Turkey and Dr Omer...

‘Allah, Bread and Freedom: The Anti-Capitalist Muslims and the Crises of Political Islam in Turkey’

Article – Ivo Furman “One day, a man of religion wished in a prayer to God that he wanted to see heaven and hell. The same day, God sent an angel to the man to tell him that his wish was granted. The angel took the man by the arm to a salon in a faraway land. In the salon, the man saw a long table laden with delicious food. Around the table he could see thin, unhealthy people getting ready to eat...

Strolling Around Tokyo

Tokyo is such an amazing city and we always wanted to visit it. Last year we finally had the time and the money for a trip to Japan and we started our trip with five days in Tokyo. Of course five days are way too short and we could only catch a glimpse of the city during our stay. But we loved every minute of it and we already dreaming of coming back one day. We stayed in a lovely little hotel...

Book Review: Hello Sandwich Tokyo Travel Guide

When we traveled to Japan last year our first stop was Tokyo. Since we were dreaming about visiting Japan for years, we were so exited and started to search for good travel recommendation or guide books. We stumbled over a recommendation for the little self-made “Tokyo Guide” by Hello Sandwich somewhere online rather accidentally. Of course we ordered the little book right away. And we really...


‘Filistin’de Araplar Bulgaristan’da Türkler neyse  Türkiye’deki Kürtler de odur.’ Kürt sorununun çözümüne dair başlayan çözüm sürecinde gelinen aşamayı, beklentileri ve hükümetin tutumunu tartıştığımız dosyamızı İlahiyatçı ve Yazar İhsan Eliaçık’la sürdürüyoruz. Çözüm sürecinin geldiği aşamayı, gerçekten bir çözüm sürecinde olup olmadığımızı konuştuğumuz Eliaçık, sürecin...

Gezi Park: Turkey’s New Opposition Movement – BBC News

It is a sunny afternoon in August. Sitting under the dappled shade of the plane trees, I watch a group of council workers tend the flowers by the central fountain of the park. A stray dog idly lies on the grass to escape Istanbul’s heat, while men and women stroll by, some with kids. This is a far cry from the Gezi Park of early June, when it was under occupation by anti-government...




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